Yoga and lifestyle medicine

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By submitting this form, I agree that my information will be used only in the context of my request and the ethical and personalized commercial relationship that may result from it.

Who I am ?

The Ayurvedic Shop grew out of my expertise as an Ayurvedic therapist and yoga teacher.

A deep connection with Ayurvedic India
The Ayurvedic Shop was born from this connection with my students and my patients. The majority ask me: where can we buy real Ayurvedic products?

It is a conscious choice that led me to offer quality and natural Ayurvedic products from India.

Brands and products
I choose brands and products with care with quality criteria and requirements to offer you natural and ethical products while supporting local populations.Chaque marque a une relation profonde et engagée avec l’Inde.

Each brand has a deep and committed relationship with India.

My primary mission is to transmit Ayurvedic medicine through the support of my patients both in personalized Ayurvedic consultation and in the therapeutic practice of yoga. I also support you in the choice of products according to your needs.

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