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Peace Of Mind: How To Reach It?

Your nervous system

The truth: stress explodes in modern society

How many seem to have a peace of mind?

Look around you and within you, observe.

How many people around you are stressed or anxious?

How many people suffer from stress, the fear of tomorrow or the consequences of their actions because of a lack of confidence?

In our so-called “modern” societies, you know that we have lost the sense of balance and harmony on all levels of existence.

We are practically all on automatic pilot from the moment we get up to the moment we go to bed. Tasks have become automatic in order to save as much time as possible and get as much done as possible during the day.

You do as much in the family sphere as you do at work.

But this accumulation of tasks without conscience, don’t you think it has negative consequences on your physical, mental health, and what about your attitude towards othersyour kids?

Peace of mind?

This stress that you accumulate has serious repercussions on your homeostasis. And we will see later how.

You are a living being that needs love, tenderness and rest necessary for your mental, emotional and physical balance.

This is called recovery time so that your body can maintain and repair itself efficiently and keep its balance (homeostasis).

Without it, you overexcite your orthosympathetic nervous system and your body is too tired to repair itself efficiently. And in the medium or long term…hello damages.

What is the purpose of this orthosympathetic nervous system?

It triggers automatic reactions (without the intervention of the will) corresponding to the alert state of the organism, and to the preparation for physical and intellectual activity. This is the action system, and has an “accelerating” effect on the organism.

2 neurotransmitters are associated with: adrenaline and noradrenaline.

Why am I telling you about this…?

The anti-peace of mind hormones: adrenaline and noradrenaline

Adrenaline can be defined as a chemical mediator that acts by modifying the activity of several of our organs, such as the heart.

The main initial purpose of this hormone is to prepare for flight or fight when our brain interprets that a certain stimulus may be a threat to us. This was true in the early days of humanity when we were still hunter-gatherers.

Moreover, it allows us to achieve the maximum of ourselves, using all our physical resources to reach an objective, whether to avoid it or to face it.

On the other hand, one of the most well-known effects of adrenaline is undoubtedly its impact on our metabolism and maximizes our glucose levels so that it can be delivered to the brain.

What is curious to note that adrenaline has repercussions on our digestive system when the brain interprets that there is a danger.

As a result, Our digestion is slow down and even intestinal movement for a reason: all of our energy must be concentrated in the muscles.

So, essential tasks such as digestion or absorption of nutrients are left in the background, since these functions require a lot of energy expenditure.

And these nutrients you need to function well…

Stress, physical and emotional pain are not peace of mind

Because of excessive worry, constant fear, persistent anxiety. And even the fact of having to make physical efforts for several hours lead to an excessive release of adrenaline.

The reason: our lifestyle, too much pressure, too many obligations, too many actions, too many complaints, comparisons, judgments, too many desires, too much ego, too much…too much…too much…

Stress is draining you down

This is an abnormal situation for your body and your mind, and the homeostasis, so the balance of your body and your mind is threatened.

And so you find yourself with an overproduction of adrenaline released in the blood.

You will notice it immediately through these symptoms:

– Your muscle pain

– Stress in your neck, arms or legs

– Dizziness

– Blurred vision or pressure in your eyes

– Your headache

– Difficulty sleeping

– stomach ache

– high blood pressure

– chronic fatigue

Norepinephrine triggers the production of adrenaline.

In a natural environment, adrenaline and noradrenaline normally have positive effects that encourage you to take action as you saw it, but they can also trigger fear and anxiety in an environment of overload.

These factors, such as chronic stress experienced over recurrent periods, lead to their overproduction.

Noradranelin also plays a role in emotions. It is involved in mood disorders and manic depression.

So you understand that it is important to counterbalance these effects by supporting our parasympathetic system, which is antagonistic to the orthosympathetic system.

The parasympathetic system lowers the heart rate and blood pressure by vasodilation, facilitates digestion by increasing salivary, gastric and intestinal secretions, and stimulates sexual appetite. Interesting, no?

You will also understand that in order to reduce stress, anxiety, pain and physical or emotional tension, it is imperative that you give space to your parasympathetic system. We call this a return to balance.

A return to balance because you have become aware.

And all these symptoms are manifested by mental and physical suffering.

And you know very well that in order to remove the symptoms, you have to treat the root cause.

So how to gain peace of mind?

Find the root cause of stress and anxiety

The practice of knowledge and the desire to achieve peace of mind.

To promote relaxation and peace of mind, one must be aware of one’s condition. First point.

Without awareness and consciousness, nothing, absolutely nothing will happen.

Relax the deep layer of the mind; and Release mental stress and tranquilize the emotional body; connecting you with the alpha brainwave patterns responsible for deep relaxation.

How to take care of yourself and get peace of mind?

Take care of your mind by learning how to make it calmer and find peace.

Because a peaceful mind is directly related to your outlook on life.

If you see life as a burden, that everything that happens to you is not fair, that life is not fair, and that you make any kind of negative judgment, you definitely need to learn to transform your view of life into something free of criticism and judgment.

You must make it beautiful as much as you can.

Of course, you have to make an effort to change. Nothing happens in a snap of the fingers.

And to tell you that everything happens for a reason. That’s the way of life: ups and downs. But the lows are always there to show us something, a lesson, that we must understand. We must not see it as a punishment or something unfair. Be aware, be in the moment. We find joy in the little things.

How to be aware?

Be present, focus your attention, there, to be able to access your thoughts, emotions and perceptions.

You go so fast that how can you let your body feel.

Let them appear, welcome them even if they are wrong or bad. Life is like that, in balance: the good things, the uncomfortable things.

Practice Vedic methods like yoga, meditation and breathing exercises. It will change your life.

Pranayama relieves stress and peace of mind occurs.

Stop stress by stopping your autopilot

To control yourself and stop the autopilot.

Do breathing exercises.

Focus on your breathing to give your body and mind space.

You know, the more stressed you are, the worse your breath is and that bad breath impacts the quality of your thoughts. So breathe properly through breathing exercises that we call pranayama.

This also impacts your digestive system, as I explained earlier, and it is the digestive system that provides all the basic nutrients to your body and brain.

Pranayama can also be practiced as a relaxation and stress reduction therapy.

You can practice Chandra bedhana pranayama. These techniques are very effective for calming down and feeling relaxing sensations in your body and mind.

In Ayurveda, we use Chandra Bhedana for mental health as it is of great help when you are anxious, agitated, or afflicted with insomnia.

Chandra Bhedana Pranayama decreases sympathetic discharge and reduces stress patterns.

It also changes your mood and, by practicing it, improves it and also induces a change in your thoughts.

Yoga breathing exercise for anxiety | Chandra Bhedana – YouTube

Stop worrying about what may or may not happen.

You are responsible for your actions, but not for their results.

In one of the precious teachings of the Bhagwat Geeta, Krishan says to Arjuna, act but don’t wait for the particular fruits or results because that is the cause of your suffering.

So act, don’t judge, don’t worry about what might have happened because it will never happen after all. Right?

What makes you feel alive is peace of mind

Take a break to relief stress and live life, this is peace of mind.

What do you really want in your life?

Do you want to live completely freaked out and stressed all your life or do you really want to live the life you want? Then set your desires.

And do you really think having the nicest house with the latest BMW car will make you feel alive and happy?

Yes… for a short while, the next moment you will want to buy another expensive object…

How do you feel about money?

Money buys your security, your stability [material stability], your comfort, your power, your pleasures… but when we have experienced all these things, what happens? We feel at peace for a short time.

Money is short stress relief

Change your philosophy and your vision of life, it will change your person and your automatic thoughts.

Change your autopilot habits into healthy habits to change your person.

What for?

Because you will get clarity, know how to relieve your stress, and manage your emotions by welcoming them, and then not overreact anymore.

Don’t you want this feeling of well-being, of good mood and more happiness in your life, because you finally accept it as it is.

Find more practices and knowledge in my you tube channel and also learn more pranayama.

And here feel free to practice this meditation to fight against stress.

Please be aware then you will be able to take care of yourself 😘

Be love, gentle and compassionate.

Namaste, Julie


Exploring the Therapeutic Benefits of Pranayama (Yogic Breathing): A Systematic Review – PMC (

Effects of Yoga Respiratory Practice (Bhastrika pranayama) on Anxiety, Affect, and Brain Functional Connectivity and Activity: A Randomized Controlled Trial – PMC (

Effects of Various Prāṇāyāma on Cardiovascular and Autonomic Variables – PMC (

Effect of fast and slow pranayama on perceived stress and cardiovascular parameters in young health-care students – PMC (

Study of immediate neurological and autonomic changes during kapalbhati pranayama in yoga practitioners – PMC (

The Effect of Pranayamic Breathing as a Positive Psychology Exercise on Foreign Language Learning Anxiety and Test Anxiety Among Language Learners at Tertiary Level – PMC (

Neuroscience of the yogic theory of consciousness – PMC (

Serotonin, noradrenaline, dopamine metabolites in transcendental meditation-technique – PubMed (

Meditation and Yoga can Modulate Brain Mechanisms that affect Behavior and Anxiety-A Modern Scientific Perspective – PMC (

Neurobiological Aspects of Mindfulness in Pain Autoregulation: Unexpected Results from a Randomized-Controlled Trial and Possible Implications for Meditation Research – PubMed (

Awakening is not a metaphor: the effects of Buddhist meditation practices on basic wakefulness – PubMed (

What is stress: Ayurveda meaning and your natural solutions.

Namaste Dear one

Hope you start your day with energy and positive attitude. This is the best way to behave for good health and good mind and live your true life.

I think it’s good to talk about the stress that comes back very easily lately. We must recognize it and welcome it to find our natural healing solutions thanks to Ayurveda and Yoga.

I will start to define what is stress and at the end tell what are the natural healing solutions for relieving it.

Get rid of stress and anxiety prison

What is stress for Ayurveda medicine?

Stress is one of those words that is overused and we actually lose its real meaning. Stress is also commonly referred to as anxiety, tension, or even angst

The events, the situations, which produce stress are not bad things, as one might think from certain clichés.

Stress is a necessary function of our psyche and organism that allows us to cope with different situations, both positive and negative. Stressors involve changes in your environment that your central nervous system has to adapt to during daily life.

Stressors include positive or negative life events (death, divorce, new job, new house, baby, etc.) that force you to adapt to these changes.

Stress occurs when the pressures, challenges or demands of life overwhelm your ability to adapt. Stress can manifest itself in physical, emotional or behavioral symptoms.

It can come from any situation or thought that makes you frustrated, angry, or anxious.

What is stressful for you is not necessarily stressful for another. Stress in everyday life is not necessarily a bad thing. However, uncontrolled or negative stress can be a bad thing that can have many consequences on your mental and physical health.

A little stress can motivate you to do your job, for example. It can make you more aware in a situation that needs serious attention.

Stress can also be used as a safety mechanism to save one’s life. It’s a defense mechanism rooted in your reptilian brain. The first men on earth saved themselves from danger by this message from the reptilian system.

However, too much stress, or a strong stress reaction, is emotionally and physically damaging. This can expose you to a deterioration in your general health as well as to specific physical and/or psychological illnesses such as infections, chronic diseases, heart disease or depression.

Persistent and relentless stress often leads to anxiety and unhealthy behaviors like overeating and abusing alcohol or drugs.

A weak emotional state or poor health can also cause stress.

Your physical and emotional symptoms can be:

Too much stress leads to pathologies

It works both ways. Stress and anxiety (which is stress for no apparent reason, chronic stress) is often accompanied by physical symptoms:

  • Muscle tension, headaches,
  • Sweating
  • Dry mouth, difficulty swallowing
  • Abdominal pain (which may be the symptom of stress, especially in a child)
  • Exhaustion
  • Diarrhea
  • Lack of concentration
  • Sleep problems
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Irritability (anger)

Almost all of these symptoms seem to indicate a marked increase or imbalance in the Vata dosha.

However, all three doshas can play a role in stress. Generally, if you are Vata, you are likely to develop stress reactions aggravated by Vata, such as fear, even phobias or anxiety neuroses.

If you are Pitta, you increase your Pitta in stressful situations and you generally react to stress with anger. You may also suffer from hypertension, peptic ulcer disease, ulcerative colitis, and other Pitta disorders eventually.

If you are Kapha and stressed, you can develop various disorders such as underactive thyroid function, slow metabolism and even increased blood sugar, which leads to a prediabetic state. And then you tend to eat more.

From a physical point of view, the human body responds to stressors by activating the nervous system and specific hormones of the endocrine system. These hormones increase heart rate, respiration, blood pressure and metabolism.

The blood arteries then open further to allow blood to flow into the muscles. This puts your muscles on alert. your pupils dilate to improve your vision. Your liver releases some of its stored glucose to increase the amount of energy available. And sweat is produced to cool the body. All of these physical changes prepare you to react quickly and effectively to the pressure of the moment.

Cortisol also reduces functions that would be non-essential or harmful in a fight or flight situation. It impairs your immune responses and slows down your digestive system, reproductive system, and growth processes. It is said in the Sushruta Samhita that: “a person having a uniformly healthy digestion, whose bodily humors are in a state of equilibrium, and in whom the basic vital fluids circulate in their normal state and quantity, accompanied by the normal processes of secretion and organic function, is considered a healthy person“.

When your body is working properly, your stress response processes improve your ability to act well under pressure. But the stress response can also cause problems when it is excessive or when it does not shut down and reset properly.

Ayurveda approaches : your problems and illness

Now let’s focus on some of the main symptoms, problems and illnesses that stress can cause and see what Ayurveda’s approach is to these.

One of the main problems that can arise is depression. It goes without saying that depression is a very big problem in our society. It affects most of us at one point or another in our lives to a greater or lesser degree, but when it begins to last or affect the ability to act and interact in normal situations of life, it becomes a disease that must be treated. Depression is more emotional than physical and is a very stress-responsive symptom.

Chemical are not the solution to cure the roots of stress

As Dr. David Frawley states, “Depression, especially accompanied by adrenal fatigue, follows stress, overwork and trauma. It is usually a sign of low Ojas (immune function). Depression is Kapha disorder. The most common.” If you are Kapha, you can often suffer from low energy, slower metabolism, weight gain, and over-attachment.

These characteristics can lead to depression.

If you are Vata, you can easily be affected by stress and depression. You are more sensitive to it because it hurts more easily.

Vata-type depression is associated with feelings of abandonment, lack of love and care in life. It can become serious or even suicidal.

The Pitta depression is largely due to a failure, a setback.

Some of the general Ayurvedic methods of treatment depression are an uplifting, light and well-spiced diet of mind-opening herbs, such as ginger and basil.

Ayurvedic and yogic solution for your stress

So if you suffer from depression, follow these tips.

Expose yourself to positive sights and sounds, such as those on a nature walk.

  • Aroma inhalation

Inhale stimulating and positive aromas such as those of camphor or tangerine.

  • Physical exercices

Do physical exercises and pranayama which are recommended to renew your vital energy (Prana). Then, as with any good Ayurvedic treatment, you have to maintain a good Apana Vayu (downward movement) with transit regulator like the Triphala.

Muscle tension is another important symptom of stress.

In the Astanga Hridayam it is said “that when Vata enters the arteries and nerves present on the sides of the neck, it causes their stiffness and this then spreads to all parts of the body, first contracting the shoulders , then bending the body forward like a bow; this produces convulsions, loss of eye movement, yawning, grinding of the teeth, vomiting of Kapha (mucus), pain in the flanks, incapacitation to speak, loss of movement of the lower jaw, back and head. It is called Anaryama.”

This is obviously an extreme example of symptoms related to muscle tension. However, many people experience several of these symptoms on a regular basis. Headaches and stiff neck seem to be everywhere.

Ayurveda seeks as always to balance your doshas through diet, lifestyle and mindset.

  • Use of herbs and diet
Healthy food for body and mind

In this specific case, she also prescribes both sedatives and nerve tonics such as Ashwaganda and Jatamamsi, and painkillers such as feverfew. You probably also need to address issues related to your lifestyle, what makes you so tense and stressed is your job, your couple, your lack of rest, etc… You can use sensory therapies like massage, Shirodhara and aromatherapy which are also very helpful.

Chronic fatigue is another common phenomenon that can be caused by stress.

Fatigue is physical and mental stress.

Chronic Fatigue is also called Shrama and it is a condition of increased Vata.

You will need an anti-Vata, toning and fortifying diet. Sensory therapies such as Abhyanga massage practiced daily will take away your fatigue and stress from work and life in general.

Rosemary baths taken in the morning are also recommended.

If you are pitta and stressed, you may suffer from ulcerative colitis. It is actually a Pitta/Vata-like condition, in that it is a chronic inflammatory disease causing ulceration.

The cause or etiology of this disease is a disharmonious lifestyle and dietary imbalances.

Emotionally, this condition manifests if you are prone to worry, anxiety, combined with anger.

The pathology of this disease is that Pitta has moved from the small intestine to the colon and Vata has moved from the large intestine to the small intestine. This combination of heat and dryness causes ulcers on the walls of your mucous membranes.

The doshas also move in the mind. This causes anger and anxiety. A soothing diet of both Vata and Pitta is then recommended. Nutmeg and liquorice are therefore recommended to promote absorption and reduce your Vata and Pitta.

Stress can also cause you sleep problems. In this case, it is usually a Vata disturbance. Moreover, we notice that sleep disorders are often accompanied by fear, worry and anxiety.

Sleep issues, particularly with respect to the Vata type we are discussing here, require most if not all sensory therapy. It is important to make changes in your lifestyle but you have to go little by little so as not to add additional stress linked to this change.

What can cause problems may be a tyrannical boss or an extremely chaotic or noisy workplace, too much coffee or caffeinated drinks, or too many screens (TV, smartphone, computer,…) before going to bed. A long and difficult trip can also be very disturbing (eg: long trip, with multiple changes).

What about sleep disorder due to stress?

Some simple things can help you with sleep disorders: staying calm in the evening (after dark) before going to sleep, getting up with the sun, having a regular routine, not watching television at night (best being not to have one), read a spiritual book to calm your nerves and awaken your awareness, and meditate before bed (or even twice a day if possible).

Meditation, Yoga and detachment are the best

Meditation works on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It also affects your three physical, astral and causal bodies. From a practical physical perspective, meditation balances your autonomic nervous system, which regulates the functioning of many of your organs and muscles, as well as your heart rate, sweating, breathing, and digestion.

Physical exercise, preferably a regular practice of restorative hatha yoga can also help you. Also, taking a hot bath before going to bed is relaxing, especially if you add a little essential oil of Jatamansi (Nard of the Himalayas) or Lavender. An anti-Vata diet is advised. “Boiled milk builds Ojas, promotes sleep. Boiled, it reduces Vayu and Kapha.”

Massage your feet with sesame oil before going to sleep.

How to decrease your anger due to stress?

Anger is another problem that stress can cause, especially in Pitta people. Anger and hostility are signs of aggravation of Pitta in the nervous system. Pitta is necessary for good understanding and discernment, but when disturbed or out of balance, it creates misunderstanding and poor judgment, resulting in anger and hostility.

The goal is to return Pitta to his normal constitutional function. Most people in our modern, western society create tremendous stress on themselves in order, they believe, to be able to keep up with others, and even compare themselves to others in order to judge themselves. We even create a kind of false desire for what others have. It can really create a lot of stress and anger.

Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita: “ruminating on sensory objects causes attachment to them. Attachment breeds desire; desire breeds anger. Anger breeds delusion; delusion breeds loss of memories. Loss Right memories cause degeneration of the ability to discriminate. From degeneration of discrimination follows annihilation (of the spiritual life).” This is a disorder that can obviously run very deep, but from an Ayurvedic perspective we can consider it a primary Pitta imbalance.

In order to overcome this stress-induced anger, an anti-pitta diet is advised, in which pungent spices and aromatics, citrus fruits and acidic foods are prohibited, as are alcohol and caffeinated beverages. You can make this anti-pitta drink at home: in 1 glass of grape juice, add one teaspoon of cumin, one of fennel and one of powdered sandalwood. This drink helps calm your feelings of anger and other Pitta symptoms such as heartburn.

If you are Pitta in a hot climate, you should try to stay as cool as possible. The heat can really stress you out.

You can practice a lunar pranayama (breathing through the left nostril only) it is even strongly recommended, just like Shitali or Sitkari. You should avoid physical activities that make you sweat a lot (eg jogging at lunchtime or yoga in a heated room). Of course, meditation is, again, very useful. If you are prone to stress and anger issues you can benefit immensely from disconnecting the Ahamkara (ego).

Heart disease and stress

Heart disease is another area where stress is known to be a cause or a causative factor.

In Ayurveda and also according to Eastern medicine in general, the heart, and not the brain, is the seat of consciousness. Dr. Frawley explains that what you feel in your heart is who you really are, unlike the fleeting thoughts you have in your head. He goes on to say that “heart disease reflects deeply rooted questions of identity, feeling, and consciousness.” Considering this reasoning, it’s easy to see why emotions and stress, like overeating, not eating the right foods, lack of exercise, etc., can cause heart problems.

Allopathic medicine as well as Ayurvedic medicine consider that high stress can be a causative factor in heart disease. The prevalence and incidence of angina increase with perceived stress. It is noted that in the hospital, high stress is associated with a higher rate of admissions related to cardiovascular diseases. Studies conducted in the United States reveal that stress plays a definite role in triggering or worsening depression and cardiovascular disease.

Ayurvedic treatment emphasizes a prolonged period of rest. A spiritual retreat in a natural setting can work wonders, especially if you’ve been a stressed city dweller for a while.

Meditation and pranayama are great for calming your mind and your emotions. Certain herbs are greatly helpful, depending on the individual’s particular problem and constitution. However, the Arjuna, tridoshic, generally serves as the basis for Ayurvedic formulas for the heart. Then constitutionally correct plants are added.

Restaurative Yoga to relief your nervous system from stress

Stress can play a huge role in your life. As we have seen, it contributes to the outbreak of diseases. It can cause “benign” things like mild sleep disturbances and life-threatening heart disease.

As you can see, Ayurvedic medicine and Yoga science can play a major role in alleviating or even eliminating these kinds of problems.

Ayurveda and yoga offers different methods:

– With a diet adapted to your person.

– What do you ingest three times a day, every day? Is this correct for you?

How is the elimination, the transit going? The Apana must be moved daily so that the toxins do not accumulate and overflow into the Rasa and Rakta Dhatus and spread to other weakened parts of your body. This can be easily treated with herbal formulas (such as Triphala), psyllium, flaxseed, etc.

– With the appropriate herbal medicine: sedatives and nerve tonics such as Ashwaganda and Jatamamsi.

 – With meditation and Yoga. It is actually more of a way of life than a treatment, but it can be used as such in the beginning if you are new to Ayurveda.

To disconnect from the ego, to detach from the senses, to realize that one is not only this body, but that one is part of the whole, and that behind all the drama of life, everything is fine and there is true life.

– With the five sensory therapies, very beneficial in the relief of stress and anxiety. Of course, depending on your constitution, the treatments vary to some extent. However, getting out into nature and seeing the trees and the sunlight is good for everyone.

Use a little aromatherapy in a warm bath or a diffuser will soothe you. Pay attention to the environment you live in, is it tidy or cluttered.

Are the colors of your house as well as those of your clothes the right ones for you? Is your environment too noisy?

All of these issues have to be settled at some point. Of course, step by step, so as not to overwhelm you, and stress you even more.

– With the right type and amount of physical exercise according to your constitution and level of health.

– By monitoring your reflection and your introspection.

– And rest.

Rest to get rid of stress

All of these measures can and will make a difference in the fight against your stress.

Then till now which technics you use to manage and decrease your stress?

Are you undergoing it or are your acting for the future of your health

✔️Tell me in comments what you are going through and which difficulties you face with your stress. I will be happy to help you

👉 In my you tube channel you will find pranayama to practice and other ressources to release your stress. Subscribe to get the update and help yourself by learning healing ancestral methods

🙂Bonus: a meditation for you: alleviating in your body and mind.

🙂 More tips here: blog


The impact of stress on body function: A review – PMC (

STRESS AND HEALTH: Psychological, Behavioral, and Biological Determinants – PMC (

Effect of repeated stress on body weight and body composition of rats fed low- and high-fat diets – PubMed (

Impact of stress on metabolism and energy balance – ScienceDirect

Benjamin_How-Stress-Affects-the-Body.pdf (

Pranayama, yoga and Nadi Shodhana steps

Breath is life and repair: Nadi Shodana breathwork

Pranayama posture

Here, you learn to listen to your body, your soul and your ailments, to know how to rebalance your doshas and eliminate your troubles.

You also learn to recognize your emotions which flow from your doshas and the link with the tissues of your body.

Today I’m talking about a pranayama yoga technique called Nadi shodana or Anulom Viloma.

There are more than 200 existing pranayamas that one can practice to maintain one’s health, reduce one’s imbalances or one’s illness.

But what is the purpose of Pranayama?

The yoga-sutras of Patanjali (2nd century AD) and the Hatha-Yoga Pradipika (1500 AD), teach us that pranayama allows you to achieve:

  • The stability of the mind:

Exhalation and suspension of the breath produce stability of the mind. » Yoga-sutras of Patanjali, Aphorism I, 34

When the breath is restless, the mind is restless. When the breath is still, the mind is still; the yogi attains fixity.

That is why one should stop the breath and practice pranayama. » Hatha-Yoga Pradipika, II, 2

  • Concentration :

He who has mastered the breath has mastered the mind. And he who has mastered the mind has mastered the breath.” Hatha Yoga Pradipika, IV,21

“And the mind becomes capable of various forms of concentration. » Yoga-sutras II ,53

  • Correcting Imbalances and Curing Diseases:

“Pranayama properly performed destroys all diseases…” HY II, 16

  • Pranayama burns toxins: Your body is considered as a boiler:

– The top of your body (your lungs): intended for the air, it is the drawing of the breath,

– Your belly: this is where the fire of processing, digestion and metabolism.

 -Your intestine: this is where the waste, the slag, is deposited.

The action of breathing is subdivided into 2 zones:

– Lungs reserved for INSPIR: Prana allows the energy to enter. The Inspir promotes combustion and accentuates the flame.

 – The belly intended for the EXHALE: apana, it is the breath which will eliminate and evacuate. Exhaling will promote the elimination of your toxins by burning them.

The toxins being burned, the energies will circulate better, such as kundalini, which will allow the awakening of consciousness which is the ultimate goal of pranayama.

  • Awakening your consciousness:

“Rightly one must each time throw out the air, rightly inhale it, rightly hold it back, thus one gets the perfect fulfillment. » Hatha-Yoga Pradipika, II, 18

“Then what hides the light dissipates.” Yoga-sutras of Patanjali, II, 52

“……sitting in padmasana, one has to repeatedly push apana vayu up and inspired prana down. One who accomplishes this attains incomparable enlightenment through the power of sakti. » Hatha Yoga Pradipika, I, 48

  • The physiological effects of breathing:

What was once defined in the texts of India, between the years 820 and 300 BC, although the authoritative circles of India who can be assumed to know the matter advocate a very earlier date, ranging even up to 10,000 BC, is recognized today by Western science for its physiological effects at the level of Western science.

Health and consciousness

Setting up a conscious, slow, ample and regular breathing allows you:

A physiological massage: Your intestines and your liver are the main beneficiaries: the liver is decongested and the digestive tract (as well as your spleen, your stomach and your pancreas) are massaged and toned.

• Detoxify your body:

Breathing brings oxygen: the lungs and the heart act as a pump, which circulates the blood and supplies your cells with renewed oxygen necessary for their homeostasis (which need this to live).

And in return your cells discharge their waste (carbon dioxide).

It is in the lungs that the waste products of your body are burned.

This prevents the development of germs such as the KOCH bacillus (tuberculosis).

  • Boost your immune system:

Strengthen your body’s resistance to illness, fatigue, nervousness or irritability.

Breathing also circulates your lymph (= liquid rich in lymphocytes or antibodies that are stored in the lymph nodes).

Pranayama is used as rehabilitation methods for Covid patients.

The psychological effects of pranayama and yoga

If your breathing is of poor quality, this leads to poor physical and mental health.

During episodes of depression, or light depression: you close in on yourself… your body withdraws into itself and your chest is in a closed position.

An ample and qualitative breathing will therefore release the thorax, massage the plexus and thus by releasing the breath, release your psychic and bodily tensions, your emotions, your anxiety and your stress.

Pranayama helps to untie the emotional knots of the body and the mind.

Your anxiety, your stress, your lack of awareness affect the health of your intestines and therefore your digestion, but also the proper functioning of your main emunctory organs such as the liver, kidneys, lungs or stomach, to name a few. than them.

The establishment of a conscious, ample, and slow breathing will allow you to give space to your body areas, massage them and thus decongest them.

The goal of pranayama

There are two ways to approach yoga: western or traditional.

In the Western approach, yoga is a physical activity.

In the traditional Indian approach, the one that is dear and true one. Pranayama also seeks to promote a meditative state to awaken consciousness, clear the masks and reach your true You. This will be part of another article, because otherwise this article will no longer be an article but a book!

So how can you practice pranayama?

To practice pranayama we use the right hand. This is a habit anchored in the Vedic culture, especially when hygiene was not well respected or could not be. The hand was therefore considered pure, it is used for eating and the left hand for everything else. We observe in India as in the Arab countries that the inhabitants eat with their right hand.

For the pranayama, the right hand allows to intervene on the 2 entrance doors of the organism: the mouth and the nose. The left hand is for counting breath cycles if you find counting mentally tedious.

Counting with the fingers

We always count from 1 to 12. We count the phalanges by moving the tip of the thumb, making a spiral in the direction of clockwise.

Click here to learn how to count.

5 Rules for Pranayama and Yoga

  1. Respect nasal hygiene by practicing neti or nasyam every morning
  2. Ditto for the mouth with dantha [toothbruch] or hrid dhauti and every morning too
  3. Wash hands and face and wear clean clothes before each practice
  4. Always use the right hand on the face and the left hand to count
  5. Favor a longer exhalation period compared to that of inspiration

Today we start with Nadi Shodhana: Alternate breathing

Nadi Shodhana pranayama

It is a basic breath that serves to purify and balance the energies. You will see further all the benefits. It is called nadi shuddhi (or shodhana) which could be translated as purification of the nadis.

Nadi is a term for the channels through which, in traditional Indian medicine and spiritual knowledge, energies such as prana from the physical body, subtle body and causal body flow. Prana energy is the life force, the vital energy which flows inside our bodies from the moment we are born

The nadis connect and ascend along the major chakras. The three main nadis run from the base of the spine to the head and are ida on the left, sushumna in the center and pingala on the right.

This pranayama consists of alternately breathing through either nostril.

It is easy to notice that you breathe more from one nostril than the other (the proportions are variable, it is never 0% in one nostril and 100% in the other, it varies between 20 to 40 % on one side and 60 to 80% on the other).

This corresponds to a cycle: for a time that can go from one to two hours, we breathe more through the left nostril, for example.

Then, for a very short time, the two nostrils are balanced, then one breathes through the right nostril also for one to two hours. Thus one must have a cyclic breathing which goes from one nostril to the other. Ideally these cycles should be balanced, succeeding one another.

The left side of the breath and the body represents the feminine lunar side, cold, peaceful, calm, at night, that of interiority, immobility, etc. The right side is the solar, masculine, hot, active, exterior, moving side, etc.

These cycles should be alternated, we should not have the same nostril breathing for 140 minutes for example. If a nostril works for 2, 3 or x cycles in a row, the whole energy balance will be disturbed and physical and psychological dysfunctions will follow.

It is essential for health to have balanced respiratory cycles.

Alternate breathing can either rebalance these cycles or keep them perfectly in order.

The teachings say that the physical, energetic or psychological dysfunctions are firstly due to a deregulation of the process of the alternating cycles of the breaths.

If our cycle is disturbed it is necessary to understand that the body is in a state of vulnerability, this can also explain a drop in energy or a depressive state. Nadi shodhana should be done two or three times a day for at least 10 or 15 minutes.

It is easy to understand the importance of good breathing when you know that it regulates all the energies of the body and the mind.

Alternate breathing is effective in achieving good health and a stable nervous balance.

It is she who can allow insomniacs to sleep, like hypertensives to “release the pressure”.

It allows a finer and more in-depth self-knowledge, it is a preponderant element to obtain a good quality of concentration.

You can also choose the type of pranayama you want to practice.

For example if you want to lose weight, work on hypertension, anxiety, stress, tone up, refresh the body…

Now let’s practice pranayama : a yoga practice!

  • Position of the fingers

The fingers of the right hand must block the nostrils alternately, the thumb the right nostril, the ring finger the left.

The index and middle finger are either folded at the base of the thumb, or placed on the forehead at the level of the 3rd eye.

  • Breathing cycle

Start by exhaling through both nostrils, then inhale through the left nostril.

From there you have to change nostrils each time you breathe out.

This gives: left inhale, right exhale, right inhale, left exhale, left inhale, right exhale, etc.

We finish after an inspiration on the right, exhaling through both nostrils.

  • Breathing time

We can put or not put breath retentions.

The simple rhythms are:

1) 1 inspiration time, for example 4 seconds – 8 expiration times.

2) The same as before, adding a full-lungs retention which will be equal to double, triple or quadruple the time of inspiration.

In the example 4, 8, 12 or 16 seconds

 3) A so-called “equal” rhythm: inspiration, retention with full lungs, expiration and retention with empty lungs being of equal duration, for example 5 seconds each or more according to your comfort, and above all without forcing!.

  • And your eyes in all this?

They must remain closed and fix an interior point, where the fingers rest or look at the center of the forehead.

  • The mantra

To accentuate the concentration you can also use a mantra:

“Yam” for the left side,

“Ram” for the right side.

And mentally repeat

“Yam” while inhaling or exhaling with the left nostril

“Ram” when it is with the right nostril.

If there is retention with full lungs, we stay on the mantra used during inspiration.

  • Visualization

The simplest way is to see the air going up during the inspiration, which goes down during the expiration on the right or left of the spine according to the nostril which breathes.

Those who are accustomed can follow the air in the serpentine path of the Nadis passing through the Chakras, the left nadi is visualized lunar color, the right one solar color.

  • Duration of your breathing

This technique should be done for at least 10-15 minutes without interruption. But to start, it’s already very good to do it 5min every day. Anyway if you start this practice, you won’t be able to do without it and you will easily reach 10 minutes of practice.

It can be done several times a day and push the sessions up to several tens of minutes if necessary.

Practice it whenever you need to clarify your thoughts, for decision making, to defuse stress or anxiety.

As you practice, you can also add these 3 contractions to increase the therapeutic effectiveness of this pranayama

If you do prolonged retentions, you can achieve these 3 contractions

– the anal contraction.

– abdominal contraction.

– contraction of the throat.

There are still contraindications and you may be concerned so before practicing read this:

If you have heart or lung problems: eliminate or reduce breath retention, and you can practice nadi shodana comfortably.

In this type of pathology and to go further in this practice, the breath work must be evaluated by a competent teacher.

Other variants exist, both in terms of the passage of air through the nostrils and the rhythm of the breath.

One can, for example, use the very rapid abdominal rhythm of the bellows (bhastrika). You can also use other mantras or other visualizations, but these techniques are more a matter of oral teaching with a teacher. Join me in my classes to learn all about it.

Do not hesitate to do and redo this breathing frequently.

Do not be afraid to do it over a long enough time.

The more you practice, the longer you will do it, and the more visible and lasting the results will be.

To try is to adopt it … the effects felt are undeniable, and I strongly encourage you to practice.

Since i practice, i mind is clear, i welcome me emotions and transform them, my digestion is so much better and i have lost weight. Many of my student are usins this one to clear their mind, stress and anxiety.

Here the complet list of benefits?

  • Balances brain and energy activity
  • Improves concentration
  • Establishes calm or even falling asleep
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Regulates thermogenesis
  • Prepares the brain and the whole body for a state conducive to meditation
  • Increases oxygen levels in the blood lowering inflammation and acidity in the body
  • Purifies the metabolism by rejecting more carbon dioxide and toxin
  • Slows down the respiratory system therefore the cardiovascular system and the metabolism
  • Re-educates the respiratory system and releases emotional tension
  • Calms the emotional state by balancing it
  • Energizes in the morning
  • Relax in the evening
  • Become aware of the diaphragm and gradually relax it
  • Increases prana
  • Stimulates and strengthens the tissues
  • Regenerates metabolism
  • Reduces excess fatty tissue
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Beneficial for the cardiovascular system
  • Beneficial in case of chronic diseases

✔️In view of the benefits that this practice brings you, what are you waiting for to do yourself good and improve your condition?

✔️Practice of Nadi Shodana

Practice of Nadi Shodhana pranayama

Other articles and supplements

Hari Om

Take care, be kind, compassionate and love


Short Term Effect of Pranayama on the Lung Parameters

Health Impacts of Yoga and Pranayama

Effects of yoga on depressive symptoms in people with mental disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis – PubMed (

Effect of Fast and Slow Pranayama Practice on Cognitive Functions In Healthy Volunteers – PMC (

Effect of Fast and Slow Pranayama Practice on Cognitive Functions In Healthy Volunteers – PMC (

Effects of Pranayama on detoxification

Nasal breathing exercise and its effect on symptoms of allergic rhinitis – PubMed (

Yoga for improving sleep quality and quality of life for older adults

Effect of integrated yoga practices on immune responses in examination stress – A preliminary study – PMC (

Food is your home remedies

Namaste 🙏

Natural food are home remedies

Put in your cupboards the right food remedies to heal naturally.

Yes…Each food has the properties your body needs such your actual condition (age, imbalances, diseases…) and such the season😉

Knowing the properties of foods is giving your body the foods that necessary for your growth, the one you will be able to digest, assimilate and transform correctly.

It’s your goal to spread full health in your body and your mind too…

Of course, you have to know your constitution above all to know the adequate food and also to listen to your digestive feelings.

Your kitchen is your pharmacy

Spices are also remedies

Each food also has a post digestive action what we call Vipaka in Ayurveda 🌿

There is also the notion of the 6 flavors (or tastes) in Ayurveda (bitter, sweet, salty, acid, astringent and spicy). In a next article, I will explain you what about those 6 flavors and you can add this notion to your meals.

After the flavors have been assimilated (usually 6 to 8 hours after ingestion) then 3 post-digestive flavors appear (vipaka). It can be interesting to take this into account when choosing your food.

Generally, but with many exceptions: ​

– Sweet and salty tastes have a sweet vipaka;

– Sour taste stays sour and has a sour vipaka

– Bitter, pungent and astringent tastes have a pungent vipaka.​

Which remedies for which food?

Now came back to the main topic😉. What can food do for you?

Click on Food is your remedies and start to put some health’s keys in your kitchen

Most of the time, natural things are much more powerful than complicated process or complicated diet.

Learn yourself to heal yourself 😉

Simplicity is the mother of all virtues. And nature gives us all what we need to be healthy and cure.

✔️Let me know in comment what you start to put in your kitchen or what you already have …

✔️ Have you cleaned out your closets to make room for what is good and natural for you and your family?

Take care dear.

Be love, be compassionate, be kind

Om shanti 🙏

More tips: follow my blog