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Coriander Benefits and Home Remedies

Coriander seeds and leaves are used for therapeutic purposes and are part of asian culinary since ages. It has many useful health benefits, and you should know it for using it as home remedies.

Coriander, one of the exellent herbs to reduce burning sensation

Some people don’t like coriander at all and this hate can be explained by genetic influence.

Coriander seeds and leaves properties

Coriander rasa or taste, as defined by Ayurveda for each food, is astringent, bitter and light to digest, it is also unctuous and oily and after digestion the taste remain sweet

It has a hot potency and balances the 3 doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha

Coriander is diuretic and so will increases the volume of urine

It improves strength of digestion and useful in case of fever.

Added to your meal will give a fresh perfume and useful in malabsorption syndrome and diarrhea.

Coriander seeds also a part of useful home remedies

We use also coriander in case of anorexia. It also helps to relieve bad odor (breath) and tone the cardiac muscle.

In case of excessive thirst, burning or vomiting sensation, it is very useful for you.

In Ayurveda it is also used to manage cough, cold, and asthma,  haemorrhoids or worm infestation.

Fresh coriander is used especially useful in treating Pitta aggravation.

The great advantage of coriander is you can use all part of this plant: seed and leaves.

You can use seed powder, boiling 3-6 grams and have a cold infusion of 10 ml to 30 ml per day, depends on what your doctor or therapist says.


Modern researches have shown that coriander seeds are efficient to control blood sugar and cholesterol level.

Many studies have shown coriander seed’s benefits in controlling blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It is also a very good anti oxidant and and helps resist the accumulation of free radicals in the body. (Look at the studies below at the end of the article)

Home Remedies with coriander

Before, check if you can take those consels according to your therapist or ayurvedic doctor. It all depends on your personal history and if you already have other medical prescriptions.

Coriander to reduce cholesterol,

3 to 5 grams of coriander seed powder can be taken along with half a cup of honey water, once or two times a day. Honey water is prepared by adding a teaspoon of honey to half a cup of water.

Coriander cold drink: natural cleanser and coolant drink

Coriander cold drink natural cleanser and coolant drink

This drink is a very easy to make and useful in case of fever, burning sensation, excessive thirst and other high Pitta conditions.

It also helps to reduce abdominal colic pain due to high Pitta and acidity, excessive sweating of palm and feet. And reduces bleeding during menstruation and hot flahes.

Coriander is one of the best and easy drink to make.

This drink is a natural coolant and detoxing because it cleans the thissue channels and energize the body

1. Take one part of crushed coriander seeds. (for 10 grams)

2. Add six parts of water (60 ml)

3. Keep it covered over one night

4. Next morning, filter it, and mix with a little quantity of natural sugar (coconut sugar, sugar cane…), and  drink it in empty stomach.

But avoid honey because it has a light hot potency.

It can be taken for a period of 6 / 8 weeks.

After taking this, it is better to avoid food for at least 30 minutes.

If you wish to drink your morning tea give a gap of at least 10 minutes.


The cold infusion of coriander mixed with sugar and taken in morning alleviates even severe burning sensation immediately.

Appetizer and expectorant:

Decoction of coriander and ridged gourd or angled Luffa gourd(Luffa acutangula) and smooth gourd ( Luffa cylindrica) acts as appetizer, expectorant, carminative (relieve flatulence) of Pitta and Vata,.

It is also antipyretic (to prevent or reduce fever), digestive and purgative.

To improve the digestive fire, and suffering from fever can take water processed with 2 parts of coriander and one part of dry ginger.

Decoction of coriander and dry ginger, added with lemon juice and natural sugar is useful for fever in autumn.

For diarrhea

Decoction of Coriander, Country mallow, dry ginger, and stone apple alleviates sudden pain occurring in the abdomen and constipation. This is digestive and an appetizer.

Ghee processed with 4 time of water and coriander paste can be given in diarrhea caused by Pitta and associated with pain. It is also a good appetizer and digestive.

Water processed with coriander and Country mallow should be given to those suffering from thirst burning sensation and diarrhea.


Water processed with coriander and dry ginger alleviates indigestion caused by toxins (ama) and it is diuretic also.


Coriander with honey and sugar is useful.


A teaspoon of coriander seeds can be soaked in a cup of water, kept over night. Next day morning, that water can be drunk, before food.

Burning sensation of eyes

Coriander (Coriander sativum) seeds are soaked in water or rose water and instilled to the eyes.

All those counsels are general, in Ayurveda everyone is different and react differently, then check if you can apply all of this recipies for your own constitution with your practionner.

You can also learn ayurveda with me to become your healer and maintqin healthy life.


The cholesterol lowering property of coriander seeds (Coriandrum sativum): mechanism of action

Hypolipidemic effect of coriander seeds (Coriandrum sativum): mechanism of action

Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and Antidiabetic Proprieties of LC-MS/MS Identified Polyphenols from Coriander Seeds

Neuroprotective effects of Coriandrum sativum and its constituent, linalool: A review

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) and its bioactive constituents

Effect of walnut leaf, coriander and pomegranate on blood glucose and histopathology of pancreas of alloxan induced diabetic rats

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.): a potential source of high-value components for functional foods and nutraceuticals–a review

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum): A promising functional food toward the well-being

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