Yoga and lifestyle medicine

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Namaste !



My name is Julie and I have been living in India since 2019.

I am a yoga teacher specializing in nutrition, stress and anxiety management, therapist in Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Astrology and sports educator. I am also a trainer.

My only goal is to educate, to know how to live, to create, to know how to heal, to inspire so that everyone can flourish and find their true nature.

The beginning of my quest started very young. I always had these existential questions until I found my answers in India.

I was well paid, but one day I left everything...

Exhausted from working for companies in which I did not recognize myself, I left everything.


Alone and far from my values after so many years, I had become a ghost on autopilot to go to work.


This is what I had become with all these years of conditioning


After these years of abandoning myself and this realization that life was not work-sleep-subway, I left everything to allow myself to live and make my life an exceptional journey.


I decided to be the creator of my life with Love and Compassion.


There was also this little sentence in my head that made me take the plunge: “life is not that”


So, I chose not to receive any more salary, to face my fears, the discomfort, the risks…. I wanted to flourish, evolve, learn, VIBRATE, HELP, and respond to my values.


It was a victory over educational, societal and personal conditioning. I no longer wanted to survive and forbid myself.


So I took this big leap to work on a big project: ME.


Because yes…we are the biggest project we have to work on.


I took my horse, Harrisson Ford style and I went on the adventure of my Lost Ark.



First to heal my head and my body and get rid of all these conditionings built around me, … after so many years.

What I have done

I left a big company, I was afraid but I did it.

I made the choice not to take a salary anymore, to face my fears, the discomfort, the risks…, I wanted to blossom, to evolve, to learn, to HELP myself, to VIBRATE and above all to respond to my values.

And there was also this little phrase in my head that made me take the step: “you only live once”.

It was a victory over educational and societal conditioning, I wanted to live life simply. I didn’t want to survive anymore…

I became aware that after all these years, my mind and my wounds had extinguished my inner self, my abilities and my spontaneity. My behaviors, my emotions and my physicality did not reflect the person I am inside.

I stopped myself from living for years…
So I took a big leap and worked in parallel to heal my head and my body.

I took my horse, Harrisson Ford style, and went on an adventure to find my Lost Ark.

Understand by this that I was looking for my ship, my anchor, my Self, my true nature and therefore my path, after so many years of conditioning.In 2012, I became a sports educator, then yoga teacher and Ayurveda therapist in 2015.

I have always been athletic and practice yoga because I love physiology, anatomy and everything related to the functioning of the human body.


Always understanding each other better, I trained in Indian philosophy and continued my course as a yogini.

I am always learning because one life is not enough to know all the science and the various branches of Yoga and Ayurveda.


They show us what we are: all CAPABLE of being joyful, CAPABLE of resilience, CAPABLE OF BEING what we deeply are, CAPABLE of being free in our actions and words, CAPABLE of thinking and healing our wounds, CAPABLE of understand what life is.


And some time after Ayurveda

Yoga and Ayurveda are intimately linked.


Ayurveda is preventive medicine and a philosophy of life. It treats the individual as a whole, naturally with food, plants, lifestyle, yoga, meditation and many other techniques.


It cures the ailments of the soul as much as the physical ailments and with yoga, it connects man to his true nature, it reconnects us to our senses and to the environment that surrounds us.


These 2 universes saved me from my demons by their medical, psychological and spiritual richness. It was in 2015 that I started to train in Indian clinics.

Today, I am.


I know my possibilities, my value in this world, the culture that revealed my soul, my spirituality and what life really is. 


The moment that made me realize what my life plan was was my first trip to India.

Through my training as a yoga teacher in India, I also discovered Ayurveda (Indian medicine) which means the science of life.

Yoga and Ayurveda are intimately linked. It is a preventive medicine and a philosophy of life. It treats the individual as a whole, naturally with food, plants, lifestyle, yoga, meditation and many other techniques.

Ayurveda heals the ills of the soul as well as the physical. With yoga, it connects man to his true nature, it reconnects us to our senses and to the environment that surrounds us.

These 2 universes saved me from my demons by their medical, psychological and spiritual richness.

Today I AM. 

They brought me to my life mission, to my possibilities, to my value in this world, to a culture that revealed to me my soul, my spirituality and what life really is.

You have to learn to love yourself to have a balanced life. The moment that made me realize what my life plan was was my first trip to India.

Today I AM. 

They brought me to my life mission, to my possibilities, to my value in this world, to a culture that revealed to me my soul, my spirituality and what life really is.

You have to learn to love yourself to have a balanced life. The moment that made me realize what my life plan was was my first trip to India.

India is not a country like any other. Yes that’s for sure


This country has solid roots, a heart that gives meaning to our lives, an energy that transcends our beliefs and our memories.


India is a mother who teaches us about life…


I bless the Universe for taking me to this sacred ground.


India has opened my heart, my eyes and my head. She gives me great energy. She welcomes me, nourishes me in the depths of my being, she comforts me, she contributed and still contributes to raise me a little more spiritually and professionally.


I was born a second time after all this path of suffering, anxiety, depression and exhaustion… and my determination saved me.

And allows me to accompany everyone who wishes to transcend their life and to alchemize it to become true.


I put to death the one who had built herself through others, on what she was told to do or not, the one who did everything to be loved…. The one who was choking and suffering…


In short, what I mean is that it is possible to change, to align, to be happy, to CHOOSE our life, to CHOOSE OUR THOUGHTS because they choose our dreams or our death.


The universe took me to India and I chose to REBORN thanks to the Vedic sciences… to Sanatan Dharma.


I am in harmony with myself and my values today.


The only person who can help us is ourselves…


The only person who gives the impetus for change is also ourselves!


Is it time for you to choose your conscious adventure to find your ark of life?


Find your true YOU, your balance.


That’s all I wish for you because it’s worth it!


Do you want to embark on learning yoga and Ayurveda? Look here and here :


I share my solutions with all the depth of my being and that of my heart.


You want to change, then move. You want to stay where you are, it is also good, you’re still in process.


Take good care of yourself.

With all my Love.



Hari Om




Julie Le Beuze

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