Yoga and lifestyle medicine

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renaissance 5

My wish through my care:

Take the time to listen to yourself to offer you the interior and exterior travel necessary for your needs.

A journey to take care of you through my Ayurvedic consultations, my Ayurvedic program and my spiritual retreats to close the loop.

I accompany you on your way and according to your personality, your desires, your life experience.
A trip that will also be in harmony with the emotion of the moment and the stage of life you are going through …
I help you through Ayurvedic medicine to rebalance your body according to your imbalances or pathologies and in general. I’m not just treating your symptom but also the cause of your symptom.
I use food, health rituals, therapeutic yoga, pranayama, meditation, spirituality, plants, oils and essential oils.
I offer natural and effective solutions.
I also feel and understand each one what allows me to complete my diagnosis with compassion and Love for the person.

My wish through my spiritual retreats in India::

 – I will assist you throughout your trip.

 – I propose my Renaissance program and a trip to the heart of Hinduism and spirituality.

My Renaissance Program allows you to acquire Ayurvedic and yogic methods and techniques that are easy to implement and focus on long-term results.
My methods of reconstruction and healing, based on Ayurveda and the science of yoga, is accessible to everyone.
They allow you to reconnect with who you are, regain your freedom and respect yourself.
I am here to help you live healthily or to transcend your blockages and your sorrows, to live your life and no longer dream it.
I am here to share with you these secrets that have enchanted my life.
My program is created for people who need a foundation and who want to take charge of food, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually … It is a reconnection to oneself
– I also offer Ayurvedic cures.
Each of my programs also allows you to discover the heart of India, to be close to the inhabitants for moments, unique emotions and especially sharing.

The main thing for me is to fill your heart with joy, to give you the keys to open the doors, and to share together a wonderful moment of humanity, compassion and evolution.
An outer journey inside you.
I come with you. You therefore benefit from a French-speaking guide, yoga teacher and Ayurvedic therapist, close to you and attentive to help you discover the riches of India.
My trips are made up of 5 to 7 people maximum to create:

– a unique moment together,

– cohesion between us, in a privatized place

– easy trips and wherever we want: from the smallest to the largest place.

– it is also easier and more respectful to visit and share moments with locals in their villages.

– I accompany you physically from 5 people until the end of your adventure

My values: sharing, heart, smile, compassion, Love and real life …

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