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Yoga For Osteoporosis

Women over the age of 50 are more prone to natural loss of bone mass

A specific Yoga protocol for osteoporosis fights it and helps prevent and reverse the condition effectively.

As with all other tissues, bone tissue regenerates. But osteoporosis results from an imbalance in the regeneration of new tissue.

Osteo” means bone and “porosis” means pores.

In osteoporosis, the bone structure becomes porous and bone mass decreases.

The consequences?

The bone becomes brittle, you are more prone to fractures and even on a simple movement or jerk.

In general, women over the age of 50 are more prone to natural loss of bone mass, and older women show a higher rate of bone mass loss as they age. The reason given is the decrease in estrogen after menopause. Estrogen is responsible for maintaining bone health in women.

Osteoporosis symptoms

Generally, there are no signs and symptoms in people with osteoporosis. They often realize this after a fall, therefore during a fracture. Osteoporosis is diagnosed by bone densitometry, a technique that involves checking the bone density in the hip and spine.

The precursor symptoms that may appear are slight back pain due to the appearance of microfissures in the vertebrae and the weight of the body may be the reason, the loss of a few centimeters in height and the appearance of kyphosis ( forward curvature of the top of the spine).

Wrists, hips and vertebrae are the most common first fractures due to osteoporosis.

Your vertebrae can weaken to the point that they crumple and collapse, which may result in back pain, lost height and a hunched posture

The rate at which we lose bone mass in the last years of life depends on the quality of the bones during our young age.

We therefore understand the importance of taking care of your body from an early age.

How to prevent osteoporosis?

This is about prevention. And it’s not for lack of telling you in my posts.

People who start exercising at an early age are less likely to develop osteoporosis later on.

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the most common causes of osteoporosis along with excessive alcohol consumption and tobacco use leading to loss of bone mass.

People with smaller frames (less bone tissue) feel the impact of osteoporosis more than those with larger bones, because smaller frames have fewer stores of bone mass to lose to osteoporosis. Reduced secretion of sex hormones in both sexes (estrogen for women and testosterone for men) can initiate the disintegration of bone mass.

In addition to age, which causes the natural decline in sex hormones in both sexes, the functioning of the prostate in men and of the breast in women can contribute to the decline in sex hormones in both sexes.

Overactive thyroid, parathyroid or adrenal glands can also lead to loss of bone mass leading to osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis can be prevented by including adequate amounts of calcium in the diet (dairy products, powdered eggshells, green leafy vegetables, soy, orange juice and fish with bones).

Vitamin D, through exposure to the sun, plays a vital role in the absorption of calcium.

Fractures due to osteoporosis can prove fatal for older people because in most cases they do not live beyond the first year after the fracture.

Yoga for osteoporosis

Is yoga good for osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is the main cause of arthritis, this type of arthritis is known as osteoarthritis.

The loss of mass from the bony surfaces that meet at the joints makes joint movement difficult and painful. The friction between the two adjacent bones that form the joint becomes problematic.

How to practice

Yoga poses for bone health emphasize spinal alignment. Asanas are practiced that keep the spine straight in order to reduce the kyphosis that has set in due to osteoporosis.

As bone mass decreases in the vertebrae, they appear to collapse on top of each other and reduce the space between them. This limits the freedom of movement of the spine.

So focus on lengthening the spine while doing gentle yoga for osteoporosis. This recreates the natural movement and restores space between the vertebrae. A rigid spine is very likely to fracture at the slightest jolt it undergoes.

Yoga poses for osteoporosis include yoga asanas that bear the weight of the body on the arms and hands, to build bone density in the practitioner’s arms and hands.

To prevent osteoporosis with yoga and to treat osteoarthritis, gentle back extensions are practiced, lifting the chest and placing the spine in an arch towards the back.

That helps improve the density of bones that are affected by these movements.

The yoga asanas that are listed here under yoga for osteoporosis have been structured in an easy flow or a vinyasa flow to avoid any jerky movements.

Most fractures in osteoporosis patients result from a poor sense of balance. Transitions between yoga poses are performed appropriately with poses that challenge the balance of the practitioner.

Balance-enhancing yoga poses improve the strength of the balance center in the brain, which proves to be a boon in the later years of life when the sense of balance falls victim to the natural process. of ageing. Yoga poses designed for bone health are good for osteoporosis because they deliberately avoid extreme flexion and extension towards

Yoga Poses for Osteoarthritis

Here some of poses which can be practiced, all depends on your conditions and pathologies. These poses are only examples of what i can suggest during my yoga classes.

If need some help to build your yoga and healthylife style, click here for a free session.


Twelve-Minute Daily Yoga Regimen Reverses Osteoporotic Bone Loss

Effects of Yogasanas on osteoporosis in postmenopausal women

Yoga and Bone Health

Effectiveness of Pilates and Yoga to improve bone density in adult women: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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