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By submitting this form, I agree that my information will be used only in the context of my request and the ethical and personalized commercial relationship that may result from it.

Terms of Sales

Between India the authentic trip and Ayurveda Shankara Yoga, represented by Mrs. Julie Le Beuze in his capacity as President, whose head office is located 93 Avenue François Mitterrand 44 600 Saint-Nazaire and whose Siret number is 830 568895 00023 (here. After “India the authentic trip”, or “the seller”) on the one hand, and the natural or legal person carrying out the purchase of products or services of India the authentic trip / Ayurveda Shankara Yoga (hereinafter “the customer” Or “the buyer”) on the other hand.

Article 1: Products and benefits sold

The company India The authentic trip offers products and services of therapieayurvedic and the teaching of yoga for individuals, associations, and companies, marketed through its website (https: //www.kashmirkelatrek. com). The list and description of the goods and services offered by India The Authentic Travel / Ayurveda Shankara Yogapestain will be consulted on the above-mentioned site.

Article 2 : General provisions

These Terms and Conditions of Sale (CGV) apply to all sales of products and services, carried out through the India website The authentic / Ayurveda Shankara Yogaqui trip are an integral part of the contract between the buyer and the seller.

Similarly, the simple fact of attending, in person or by one of its agents, a retirement or program implies the entire and unreserved membership of the Customer in these terms and conditions of sale for the duration of the contractual relations related to Products. Thus, the passage of order or the presence of programs or pensions is expressly acceptance and without reservation by the customer of these general conditions of sale, which will prevail over any other conditions.

These can only be modified by a writing signed by the client and the company India the authentic trip / Ayurveda Shankara Yoga.

The general conditions of sale can not be interpreted as a renunciation of renunciation at a later date of any of the conditions. The company India The Authentic Travel / Ayurveda Shankara Yogase reserves the possibility of modifying these, at any time by the publication of a new version on its website. The applicable CGVs then are those in force on the date of payment (or the first payment in case of multiple payments) of the order. These CGVs are available on the company’s website India the authentic trip / Ayurveda Shankara Yoga at the following address:

The company India The authentic trip also ensures that their acceptance is clear and without reservation by setting up a check box and a validation click.

The client declares that he has read all these general conditions of sale, and if necessary, the special conditions of sale related to a product or a service, and accept them without restriction or reserve.

The Customer acknowledges that he benefited from the necessary advice and information to ensure the adequacy of the offer to his needs. The client declares to be able to legally contract under the French laws or validly represent the natural or legal person for which he undertakes. Unless otherwise evidence the information recorded by India the Authentic Travel / Ayurveda Shankara Yogaconstitute the proof of all transactions.

Article 3 : Price

The prices of products sold through the website are indicated in euros all taxes understood and precisely determined on the pages of descriptive products. They are also indicated in euros all taxes included on the product order page. The company India The authentic trip / Ayurveda Shankara Yoga reserves the right to change its prices at any time for the future. The telecommunications fees needed to access the Internet sites of India the authentic trip / Ayurveda Shankara Yogasont to the customer’s charge.

Benefits (teaching, internships, retreats) are invoiced at the price in effect at the time of confirmation of the order. The price charged by the company India The Authentic Travel / Ayurveda Shankara YogainClut The provision of the provision in accordance with the quality requirements of the company India The authentic trip / Ayurveda Shankara Yoga.

Article 4 : Scope

These general conditions of sale apply to all the products and services offered by the company India the authentic trip in its current catalog and available on its website, as well as all Training services defined for a customer after joint validation on the proposed content, format and pricing, by India the authentic trip / Ayurveda Shankara Yogaet the client.

 Article 5 : Conclusion of the Online Contract – Order

The customer will have to follow a series of specific stages and services offered by the seller to fulfill his order. However, the steps described below are systematic:

  • Information on the essential characteristics of the product;
  • Choice of the product, and indication of the customer’s essential data (identification, address …);
  • Acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Sale.
  • Checking the elements of the order and, if necessary, correction of errors.
  • Tracking instructions for payment, and payment of products.
  • Delivery of products, services or benefits.

The customer will then receive email confirmation of the payment of the order, as well as an acknowledgment of receipt of the order confirming it. He will receive a copy in PDF format of these Terms and Conditions. For the purpose of carrying out the order, and in accordance with Article 1316-1 of the Civil Code, the Customer undertakes to provide its veridic identification elements. The seller reserves the right to refuse the order, for example for any abnormal request, realized in bad faith or for any legitimate reason.

Article 6 : Products and services

The essential characteristics of the property, services and their respective prices are made available to the buyer on the company’s website India the authentic trip / Ayurveda Shankara Yoga.

The client certifies having received details of the terms of payment and execution of the contract. The seller is committed to honoring the customer’s order. Otherwise, the seller informs the customer. This contractual information is presented in detail and in French. In accordance with French law, they are the subject of a summary and confirmation during the validation of the order. The parties agree that the illustrations or photos of the products offered for sale have no contractual value. The duration of validity of the supply of products as well as their prices is specified on the website of the company India the authentic trip / Ayurveda Shankara Yoga, as well as the minimum duration of the proposed contracts. Unless specific conditions, the rights conceded under these are solely to the natural person signatory of the order (or the person holding the email address of the Communiqué).

Article 7 : Property Retention Clause

The products remain the property of the company India the authentic trip / Ayurveda Shankara Yogajus until complete payment of the price.

Article 8 : Delivery methods

The products are delivered to the delivery address that has been indicated during the order and the specified time.

Article 9 : Payment

10 : Case of products and services payable online

The payment is immediately due to the order, including for the products in pre-order. The customer makes the payment by payment card. Cards issued by banks domiciled outside France must be international credit cards (MasterCard or Visa). The secure online payment by credit card is carried out through a PayPal, Stripe or Gocardless account. The information transmitted are encrypted in the rules of the art (HTTPS secure protocol) and can not be read during transport on the network. Once the payment is launched by the customer, the transaction is immediately charged after verification of the information. In accordance with Article L. 132-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code, the commitment to pay, when given by card, is irrevocable. By communicating its banking information during the sale, the customer authorizes the seller to debit his card of the amount of the indicated price. The client confirms that it is the legal holder of the card to be debit and that it is legally entitled to make use of it.

In the event of an error, or inability to debit the card, the sale is immediately resolved from right and the canceled order.

Article 11 : Rules of procedure for the course of training and pensions

When participating in training sessions, the Customer agrees to respect the provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the company India the authentic journey / Ayurveda Shankara Yogadont he declares to have read and accept the terms.

The client is consistent with these provisions on the part of the participants he will appoint to attend training sessions and declares, for this purpose, guarantor and solidarity manager of these participants.

Article 12 : Withdrawal period

12.1 : Online shopping

For orders of products or services paid online (excluding retreats trips) and in accordance with Article Article L.121-21-8, 13 ° of the Consumer Code, “the consumer may receive immediate access to modules, in accordance with Article 6.2 of the General Conditions of Sale of e-Learning Training and Article L.121-21-8, 13 ° of the Consumer Code. Please :t à l’article L.121-21-8, 13° du Code de la Consommation. Veuillez :

  • Check the following two boxes
  • Complete information related to the training chosen, date, sign
  • Return this form to India The authentic trip, Julie Le Beuze (phone : +33 6 59 10 88 94,

Mail address: or

I wish to have access to the (s) module (s) that I ordered before the expiry of the withdrawal period I receives under Article L 121-21 of the Consumer Code,

And I expressly renounces the exercise of the right of withdrawal I receivable under Article L 121-21 of the Consumer Code.

E-learning training Reference : ……………………………………………………………………….. 

Entitled : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 

Commanded on : ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 

Consumer name:: …………………………………………………………………………………… 

Consumer address : ……………………………………………………………………………….. 


Date :  ………………………………..

Consumer signature

12.2 Time of withdrawal of spiritual retreats

For the pre-orders of pensions paid online and in accordance with Article L. 121-20 of the Consumer Code, “the consumer has a period of fourteen days to exercise his right of withdrawal without having to justify reasons or to pay penalties, with the exception, if necessary, a return fee “. “The time limit referred to in the preceding paragraph runs from receipt for the property or acceptance of the offer for services”. The right of withdrawal can be exercised by contacting the company India the authentic trip / Ayurveda Shankara Yoga as follows via the general contact form available at:

We inform clients that in accordance with Article L. 121-20-2 of the Consumer Code, this right of withdrawal can not be exercised for:

  • The provision of services whose execution began, with the consumer agreement, before the end of the seven-day francs period.
  • The provision of goods made according to the specifications of the consumer or clearly personalized or which, because of their nature, can not be re-effected or are likely to deteriorate or to perish quickly.
  • The provision of audio or video recordings or computer software when they have been desceased by the consumer.

In the event of the exercise of the right of withdrawal within the above-mentioned period, only the price of the purchased product (s) shall be reimbursed

Article 13 : Modification of the order, cancellation or postponement

The company India The authentic trip / Ayurveda Shankara Yoga reserves the right to bring any modification at any time that it considers it useful for its programs as well as the planning of its pensions.

In case of cancellation for any reason whatsoever (for example unavailability of the trainer for reasons of illness, power failure, unavailability of the computer system, number of insufficient participants, social conflicts, weather conditions) the (or) Benefit (s) ordered will be (a) postponed at a later date without compensation or penalty due to the customer.

In case of modification of the program or planning of the pension or pensions, as in case of cancellation, the company India the authentic trip / Ayurveda Shankara Yoga is committed to preventing customers who ordered these training – pensions, or directly the participants in these formations designated by the customer previously registered 10 days at least before the beginning of the training or training concerned. New dates will then be offered to the customer. In case of unavailability of the client to the proposed new dates, the latter will then be able to postpone his participation in the following year. If he wishes to cancel or postpone his participation, the Customer can only do so, scrupulously respecting the following conditions:

Any cancellation or postponement of training or uneretraite shall be reported to the company India the authentic journey / Ayurveda Shankara Yoga by the customer himself, for the services or the services ordered, by email using the Form available at:

Les conséquences financières des annulations et reports sont les suivantes :

  1. For yoga retreats, the amount of cancellation fees is calculated as follows:
  • The down payment departments are not refundable
  • The sums exceeding the deposit, are fully refundable up to 90 days before the start of the internship
    From 90 to 45 days before the start of the internship: 65% of
  • the sums exceeding the deposit From 44 to 30 days before the start of the internship: 70% of
  • the amounts exceeding the deposit
    29 and 15 days before the start of the internship: 75% of the sums exceeding the deposit
  • From 14 days to 0 days before the start of the internship: 100% of the sums exceeding the deposit

The date taken into account being the receipt of the email of which it is mentioned above.

  1. For online training and program

The places being limited and reserved long in advance, no refund of the sums advanced can not be required in case of cancellation by the customer before the start of the training. In case of unavailability, a customer who has already started his training has the opportunity to postpone his participation in the missed session the following year.

Article 14 : Claims

Where appropriate, any notifications to be carried out in the execution of these general conditions of sale will be considered as realized if they are made by registered letter with request for receipt to the following addresses:

Company India The Authentic Travel / Ayurveda Shankara Yoga, Julie Le Beuze, 93 Avenue Francois Mitterrand, 44 600 Saint-Nazaire

To the customer: at the address indicated by the customer when ordering.

Article 15 : Intellectual Property – Copyright

Brands, domain names, products, software, images, videos, texts or more generally any intellectual property rights information are and remain the exclusive property of the seller. No assignment of intellectual property rights is carried out through these CGVs. Any total or partial reproduction, modification or use of these goods for any reason whatsoever is strictly prohibited. All documents delivered during the training is original works and as such are protected by the legislation on intellectual property and copyright. Consequently, the Customer forbids to use, copy, transmit and generally to exploit all or part of these documents, without the prior agreement and written of a home authorized person in India the authentic trip / Ayurveda Shankara Yoga, Julie Le Beuze. The Customer is prohibited from making any copy of documents used in travel programs and retirements. The client is responsible for respecting these prohibitions

Article 15 : Force majeure

The execution of the seller’s obligations at the end of these is suspended in the event of the occurrence of a fortuitous event or force majeure which would prevent the execution. The seller will notify the customer of the occurrence of such an event as soon as possible.

Article 18 : Nullity and modification of the contract

If one of the stipulations of this contract was annulled, this nullity would not result in the nullity of the other stipulations which shall remain in force between the parties. Any contractual amendment is only valid after a written agreement and signed by the parties.


In accordance with the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have the rights to interrogate, access, modify, opposition and rectification on the personal data concerning you. By adhering to these general conditions of sale, you consent to what we collect and use these data for the realization of this contract. By entering your email address on one of the sites on our network, you will receive emails with information and promotional offers for products published exclusively by India’s Authentic Travel / Ayurveda Shankara Yoga. You can unsubscribe at any time. All you need to do is click on the link at the end of our emails or to send us the request by RAR letter, at the following address: India The Authentic Travel / Ayurveda Shankara Yoga, Julie Le Beuze, 93 Avenue Francois Mitterrand, 44 600 Saint-Nazaire.

Article 20 : Intellectual Property – Copyright

All clauses in these Terms and Conditions of Sale, as well as all the purchase and sale operations covered, will be subject to French law. In case of difficulty of interpretation or execution of these general conditions of sale, the company India the authentic trip / Ayurveda Shankara Yoga and the customer expressly agree that the Commercial Court of Saint-Nazaire will be the only competent.

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